JC Locksmith

Transponder Key Problems & Solutions

If you own a vehicle that was manufactured between 1994 to the mid-2000s, it’s very likely that you have a transponder chip key. Transponder chips are also part of some keyless remote fobs. You may or may not have been aware of that, but you might not know what the term “transponder chip key” means. A transponder chip key is designed to work seamlessly without drawing attention to itself, so you might not even realize it exists until you have a problem with it. Many vehicles on the road in Vernon Hills, IL, utilize transponder chip keys, and as they age over time, issues are more likely to occur. A certified locksmith company can help you solve your transponder key problems affordably and efficiently.

Like any other system that utilizes technological features, bugs and problems can occur occasionally, especially as the system ages. While transponder keys have fallen out of fashion and been replaced by keyless entries and remote starters on newly manufactured vehicles, they are still an integral component for many vehicles driving on the road in Vernon Hills, IL. For more information about transponder keys and what to do when your locks and keys develop problems, keep reading.

So what is a transponder key exactly and how does it function? A transponder key looks like a regular vehicle key, but what sets it apart is the addition of an electronic chip in the key fob. When you insert your key into your ignition, the chip sends a coded signal to your ignition that must match it exactly. This entire process occurs in just a matter of seconds. When the proper key is matched up with the ignition, it allows the immobilizer to be disabled and the engine to fire up. The system relies on the wires inside to be functioning correctly in order to create the circuit. If an issue arises anywhere, including a problem with the key, the lock, or the wiring, your car may refuse to fire up or perform poorly.

In these situations, you don’t have to necessarily drag your vehicle to a mechanic. Instead, a call to a qualified professional locksmith can often give you the assistance you seek. Locksmiths are able to fix many transponder key problems affordably and efficiently. Here is a list of transponder key problems and their potential solutions.

Losing Your Key

While not a mechanical problem, losing your transponder key can be a hassle that prevents you from using your vehicle until you get a new one. Experts recommend always having a spare key for these situations, but we all lead busy lives, and that’s not always possible. If you need to replace a missing or misplaced transponder chip key, you will need a skilled professional locksmith to assist you. Remember that special electronic chip in the key fob? A new key will have to have a chip as well, and be encoded exactly right to match your ignition system for it to function correctly.

Your Key Gets Damaged

While sturdily protected inside the plastic or rubber key fob, transponder chips can occasionally get damaged. Sometimes this is due to a preexisting vulnerability from a manufacturer’s defect, but sometimes it’s just due to plain human error. The chip can become damaged from the key being dropped or mishandled. When this occurs, you’ll notice your key only works some of the time, usually requiring some jiggling, or not at all. If your chip becomes damaged, it will need to be repaired or replaced by a qualified locksmith in order to operate correctly again. Even if your key does not appear to be damaged on the outside, the chip inside can have problems that prevent the ignition from starting.

Problems with Programming

Your transponder key must be properly programmed in order to communicate effectively with your engine. However, sometimes transponder keys can lose their programming for one reason or another. If your key loses its connection with your ignition, a locksmith can reprogram the chip inside of your key or replace it with a new one. If you’re using a refurbished transponder key as a spare, these can sometimes arrive defective or lock you out of reprogramming them. While you may turn to the internet in order to save a buck or two, it’s best to only have a spare key purchased from a locksmith. These refurbished keys are often more trouble than they are worth and a waste of money. Locksmiths recommend you don’t risk purchasing refurbished transponder keys because of this high risk of them being “locked” upon arrival.

Key Stops Working

If you put your key into the ignition and it fits fine without sticking, yet the engine doesn’t turn on, this can be a frustrating situation. Some transponder chip keys function using a battery, and these batteries eventually die. Other times, there could be damage that you can’t see, such as we talked about above. If you have a wireless key fob, dead batteries are a common complaint. There could also be a problem with the firing inside of the ignition system that is preventing the signal from being transmitted properly to the ignition. A trained locksmith can assist you in determining the root cause of your issues if your key stops working.

If you’re experiencing problems such as those listed here in regards to your vehicle lock and keys, call a local locksmith for a consultation. An automotive locksmith can come right to your location wherever you are in the area. They can help you narrow down the information to determine if the problem is with your transponder key or something deeper, as well as provide professional solutions. Many automotive locksmiths are on call 24/7 to provide assistance if you are experiencing transponder key problems that are preventing you from opening your door or driving your vehicle. If you’re having problems with your transponder key, don’t wait. Call a locksmith to help get you back on the road today.